Ultimate Leh's Play of the Week!
Dear Ultimate Frisbee Players! I would like to announce a new addition apart from the weekly plog - Ultimate plays of the week! This is...

Ultimate Training Series #2 - Plyometrics!!
Dear Ultimate Frisbee Players, It is time for part two of the Ultimate Training Series - Plyometrics! Plyometrics is a form of training...

Ultimate Training Series #1 - Aerobic and Anaerobic Endurance!
Dear Ultimate Frisbee Players, "You become fit to play Ultimate, not the other way round." This quote is often passed down to us from the...

Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players, Last Saturday, on the 11th of October, the 2014 edition of Grab.Huck.Score was held at Farrer Park...

Useful Resources for Ultimate Frisbee!
Dear Ultimate Frisbee Players! Apologies for the late post! I was engrossed on a book that is closely related to Ultimate Frisbee -...

Dealing with the Downs of Ultimate Frisbee
Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players! Most of the posts up to now is about the Ups of Ultimate Frisbee. However, for every up, there's always a...

Ultimate Qwirks!
Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players! You might have noticed some changes with the tabs on Ultimate Leh! Correct! I have decided to remove the...

Tips on getting cleats/boots for Ultimate Frisbee
Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players! For some of you, you might be deciding on your first purchase of boots/cleats for the upcoming Ultimate...

Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players! Here are some juicy updates on Ultimate Leh! So get excited!!! After much dabbling, the Facebook page for...

Rise of Ultimate Frisbee in Singapore
With the end of the Ultimate Frisbee in Singapore, let's talk about the beginning of Ultimate Frisbee in Singapore! Let's start with the...