Tips for Marking against a Tall Handler
Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players!
For the next few posts we are going to talk about how to mark against a tall player, be it a handler or cutter! Picture this, you are matched up against a tall opponent in a ultimate scrimmage, you thought that he was going to be at the deep end of the field, but instead s/he picks up and the disc and start pushing the disc forward -- s/he's a HANDLER! Here are some tips on how to mark against a Tall handler!

However, before going through those tips, we would first talk about the strengths of a tall handler!
1) Able to execute throws easier

Credits: Tino Tran Photography
Due to his/her tall frame, he would be able to execute throws at any range and angle. It also make breaks throw easier, and a tall handler can tear the defence to shreds with his break throws and long strides (I would talk on this in the next one!)
2) Longer Strides
Apart from his height, a tall handler is also equipped with longer legs as well. This allows him/her to have longer strides, allowing him/her to cover more distance. Coupled with speed, if the marker has any delays, the handler would be off striking or moving around.
3) Able to handle very high throws

Credits: Eric Lim S C
In order to get past a defence, a player can simply do a high throw and the tall handler would be able to receive it with relative ease, compared to average players who would have to jump to ride that throws.
All these strengths make tall handlers a threat both in the air and on the ground, making him or her a very tough opponent to mark during an ultimate game. However, here are some tips on how to mark against handlers of such height!
1) Never stay too close
Never ever stick too close to a tall handler as s/he can simply extend his or arm for a simple dish to another player on the team. In addition, it is very easy to do break throws given his/her huge range of motion due to his/her height!
2) Randomise Your Marking Movements
Randomise your hand movments and distance to always keep the tall handler guessin! This would put a lot of pressure on him and reduce chances of a devastating down-the-line throw. This can be applied to normal marking as well!

Credits: Frida Bernice Lau
3) Stay alert and always be on the go
As a tall handle can cover more ground due to their physique, always be ready to move when the disc is off his or her hand. This allows you to be on the same pace with the tall handler, even if she or he might be slightly ahead. Lose sight of him/her and you would have a long road ahead to catch up with him/her
4) Force him to make riskier throws
You can force him to make riskier throws (i.e. those released above the torso or below the torso) by giving a good mark. It would be uncomfortable for tall handlers to do low releases given their height and high throws usually are inaccurate and not very consistent as it subjects also to the whims of the wind that is blowing during the game.
5) Hope and Believe!
When all things have been done and the throw is still made, all can be done is hope and believe that your team mates are doing a good mark. Who knows if the wind could pick up or the team mate that the tall handler threw go might just turn the disc over!
Alright that is all from me! Hope that you would have a easier time marking such tall handlers!