So.. What is Ultimate Frisbee? (The Gameplay edition)
Continuing from the last post, I would now talk more about the basics of Ultimate Frisbee. A game of Ultimate Frisbee is played on a grass field with the dimensions as shown.

The objective of the game is to move a frisbee disc among your players and catch it successfully in your designated endzone. The game is first initated by the opposing team "pulling" a long throw, also known as a pull over to the team playing and the point begins. Once you score, you would start off the next point from the endzone you scored in, while the opposing would have to head to the opposite endzone to start, and this cycle repeats itself.
How would players move the disc? Through passes of course! There are many passes in a player's arsenal to utilise in the game. I would touch on these basic passes, as mastering each basic throw would take a lot of time as you can throw it for distance, angle of release etc. These throws are also the bread and butter of any Ultimate Frisbee.
Without further ado, let us begin!
1) The backhand

This is the throw that most people would start out with as it is instinctive when you hold the frisbee. It is termed backhand as you release the disc with your palm facing back.
2) The Forehand

This throw is slightly awkward for some people in the beginning as it goes against the instinctive holding of the frisbee disc. Termed as such as the palm is facing foreward during the entire motion.
3) The Hammer, or the overhead throw

It is one of the throws with a slightly uncommon trajectory. It is termed as the hammer throw as the motion inolved with throwing a hammer throw resembles striking down a hammer, hence the name.
More tips and advice on these basic throws would be elaborated next time so stay tuned for those. There are also advanced throws as well such as scoober, but I would leave you all with these basic throws first!
To sum this all up, here's a video tutorial done by our local players of Singapore Management University Ultimate!
With Frisbee throws, come Frisbee catches, equipment etc, so get excited about it!
Singapore Ultimate Player