Ultimate Leh! Turns One!
Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players!
Hope you all had an awesome Jubilee Weekend! Awesome holidays, Awesome fireworks, what would make the weekend even more awesome? Ultimate Frisbee! and I know that some of us played their hearts out during this weekend!

Credits: Gladys Sin

Credits: GEN2X, Gladys Sin and Kash Eef (From top to bottom)
I realised upon writing this that I have celebrated National Day previously while writing this blog, which means that I have been writing this blog for more than a year! Ultimate Leh! has come a long way ever since, having interviewed professional clubs and produced numerous articles about ultimate, from how to throw a frisbee to training up for club tryouts!
What is more heartening to see is that more and more ultimate blogs are coming up ever since Ultimate Leh!'s creation! These blogs offers more news and update on Singapore's ultimate landscape, even more than me at times! So do check them out! One of these blogs is Hold The Ling SG! Do check them out!

Credits: Hold The Line SG
After becoming a year older, We hope to provide you with even more insights into my own ultimate world (i.e personal views on Singapore's Ultimate, personal experiences etc) and also the ultimate world in Singapore! Look forward to even more ultimate posts coming your way!
Last of all, a BIG THANK YOU to all Ultimate Leh! readers! You all have been the very source of motivation for this blog and we hope that you could support us for the upcoming year and beyond!