Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players!
Here are some juicy updates on Ultimate Leh! So get excited!!!

After much dabbling, the Facebook page for Ultimate Leh is finally up! Check out daily for posts and links about all things Ultimate in Singapore, and maybe around Asia!, check out the page here! Share the page with your non-ultimate friends as well to let them into the beautiful game!
In addition, Benjamin Ho, a veteran in the Ultimate Frisbee community, approached Ultimate Leh! (awesome!) and gave a few suggestions. After taking in his suggestion, I would be doing a featurette on the Voices Of Ultimate in Singapore (VOUS), where guest writers/people from various aspects of Ultimate Frisbee would be interviewed/writing on their thoughts in their own field. Here are some aspects I would be touching on - Coaching Ultimate, Spectating Ultimate and many other more! Shan't spoil you too much about this so stay tuned for this in the near future!
Beside this, I also would be talking on several aspects that is important to ultimate frisbee players such as equipment, off-season training and much much more! so keep yourself excited about it!