Ultimate Qwirks!
Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players!
You might have noticed some changes with the tabs on Ultimate Leh! Correct! I have decided to remove the tab 'Ultimate Qwirks' for 'Where to play Ultimate" as most people would want to find out where and when to catch all the Ultimate Fun during the week!
As for Ultimate Qwirks, it is anything (image/gif/quote) that Ultimate Frisbee players can relate to or something that plays on the some of the Ultimate terms. It offers a funny and fun perspective to Ultimate Frisbee, like this for example:

Hence, here are some recommended sites that tickled my funny bone!
1) Ultimate Problems
Similar to First World Problems, it highlights certain problems that Ultimate players face, in a refreshing, bite-size format!

link: http://ultimateproblems.tumblr.com/post/15929807095
2) What Should Ultimate Call Me
This tumblr site highlights situation that Ultimate Frisbee players would face, in hilarious gif images
such as this:
When Rookies show in Sneakers

link: http://whatshouldultimatecallme.tumblr.com/
3) Ultimate Frisbee Ryan Gosling
Something for the girls, it plays on Ultimate terms with images of a really gorgeous Ryan Gosling:)

link: http://ultimatefrisbeeryangosling.tumblr.com/
4) F*** yeah Ultimate!
Not as vulgar as its title, it features gifs and quirky images of Ultimate Frisbee!
link: http://fyeah-ultimate.tumblr.com/
5) Huckin Insane
Same as the second site, it features certain situations that Ultimate Frisbee players could face, through hilarious gifs.
link: http://huckininsane.tumblr.com/
Check out these websites as well!
1) 15 Reasons to join the Ultimate Frisbee team:
2) How to Play Ultimate Frisbee, the complete Set:
Hope all these websites would keep you occupied during the off-season!