How to Fake a Good Fake!
Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players!
Today I am going to talk about how to fake a good fake! In the game of ultimate frisbee, a fake would cause a player to go the other way as you throw the throw that you want, be it a break throw or a huck! (watch from 0:20 onwards!)
Here are some tips to execute a convincing fake that could throw your opponents off guard!
1) Have a clear goal of what you are doing
The main reason why an ultimate play executes a fake is to throw past your marker. Throwing the person off guard is a secondary goal, hence what you have to keep in mind is to ensure your throws go comfortably to the person you intend to target, not faking while looking for an option to throw!
You could do all the fakes you want, however if you cannot throw that throw past your market while faking, it will just be simply wasting your mentally and physically, given you only have 10 seconds to move the disc.
2) Keep yourself steady and balanced at all times
In order to throw well, you have to be stable and balanced at all time. If your fakes are causing you to look as if you are falling down, the market can call your bluff and will not react to your fakes. here are some ways how to keep yourself steady!
1) Do not lean forward or backwards too much
2) Keep you arm steady and not swing it around excessively
3) Keep your back upright, even when doing low-angle fakes

Credits: Eric Lim S C
3) Be focused and confident
Confidence is key in executing a convincing fake. If you look hesitant and looking around aimlessly while faking, chances are you are not confident and faking it in hoping to find an eventual option to throw.
Be confident and look forward, while maintaining a sharp focus ahead. This keeps the marker on their toes and they will be more likely to take the bait even with slight faking.
4) Reduce excessive motions
Swinging your arms excessively, changing grips while while moving left and right is a lot of work to do. It tires you unnecessarily and makes your throwing form unstable. This would not make a convincing fake. Hence, reduce excessive motions and keep your fakes sharp and concise! Here's a video that summarises what I have mentioned! (Watch from 3:40 onwards!)
5) Practise, Practise Practise!
As I have mentioned for throws, cuts and all, the most important of all is to practise your fakes! Only with more practice can you have more confidence in your fakes. In addition, you would be able to correct the mistakes in delivering a convincing fake! Here's a drill that you can try out with two friends!
That's all from me! Keep faking and keep scoring!