Benefits of Doing Another Sport Besides Ultimate!
Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players!
Frist, do not get the title wrong! I am not telling you to do another sport in place of ultimate frisbee! However, there are many benefits of doing another sport other than ultimate frisbee, especially when you are getting ready for the club season! I am here to tell you what are these benefits!

1) It trains other part of your body/strengthens what is used during ultimate frisbee
There are various sports which trains parts of your body that you might have neglected during your ultimate season, such as soccer and netball. In addition, there are sports who makes use of the muscle groups that are commonly applied in ultimate frisbee, strengthening it in the process! Here are some examples!
- Badminton
- Tennis (notice how a forehand drive almost mimics the mechanics of a forehand throw)

Jumping height and strength
- Basketball
- Crossfit
Anaerobic Endurance:
- Soccer
Field Vision:
- Netball..
The list goes on! However, choose a sport that you would enjoy doing as well, not simply to train what you need to!
2) it keeps your mind away from ultimate.
There are some times when you need to be away from ultimate in order to break a certain plateau you might be on or to rediscover yourself as an ultimate frisbee player. Doing another sport takes your mind away from ultimate and it might allow you to start on a clean slate when the new season arrives or when club training commences.
3) It allows you to learn/apply a new technique for ultimate frisbee
There are some aspects from other sports that could be brought from other sports to ultimate frisbee. learning how to cross-over and fake in basketball could allow you to be a harder opponent to read on the field. Another could be adopting the swim technique in American Football to allow to get away from your market fast to be free and open to receive a disc. Here a video of the swim technique! Modify it to fit ultimate and it could be a useful weapon on the field!
4) It keeps you focused.
Every sport requires a certain amount of focus, composure and hunger to win. These are the things that one would want to keep on in order to play well in ultimate frisbee as well. Doing sports keeps you on the ball all the time, always ready for new challenges, or in this case, a new season of tournament and competitions for ultimate frisbee.
5) It might end up as a possible club recruitment drive instead
As you play a variety of sports, you could find out some people who would do extremely well in ultimate frisbee. Why not bring them over to the world of ultimate. First, it would increase the competitive edge of the club/team. Second, your friend gets to learn a new sport as well! it will definitely be a win-win situation for both parties!
Hence, finding another sport to do other than ultimate is not a bad idea. However, do take breaks and rest sufficiently for the upcoming ultimate season!