Club Interview: A Day with GEN2X!
Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players!
Last Saturday I had the privilege and honour to interview one of the youngest teams that is making waves in Singapore's Ultimate – Gen2X!

How was GEN2X formed? (Jermaine Yam and Chen Karjun)
Did you know that GEN2X was initially a school team? Unfortunately, Ultimate was not recognized back then in 2013. (something worrying to ponder about) Along with the lack of resources, the school was forced to shut down the club. However, what was planted in them was the lingering passion and interest for Ultimate Frisbee. Hence Gen2X was created to home these young aspiring players! The name ‘GEN2X’ came from Eric C S Lim, one of Singapore Ultimate’s beloved uncle. It means 2 times younger than Generation X, along with twice the hunger and passion!

credits: Eric Lim S C
In addition, there were talented players and wanted to continue the sport. Hence Fiona, the current coach of GEN2X, decided to step in and coach these aspiring young talents, on a pro-bono basis!

Who runs the show in GEN2X? (Fiona Pang)

credits: Eric Lim S C
More about Fiona, started her ultimate journey in Nanyang Polytechnic. After graduating, she went to Rascals and is now one of the assistant coaches there. She also represented Singapore in the 2014 Worlds Ultimate Club Championship with the women team Sin City! Other than Fiona handling coaching matters, GEN2X is run by these young talents!

(From Clockwise: Fiona Pang (Coach) Tan Wei Bin (Assistant Coach) Jermaine Yam (Administrator) Chen Kar Jun (Captain) Leon Ong (Vice Captain) Chen Kar Men (Treasurer and Attendance) Grace Teh (Marketing Executive) )
They are an independent bunch, coordinating training matters and sending GEN2X to competitions and searching for sponsors to fund their team!
Who do you look for in players joining GEN2X? (Chen Kar Men)
As for the type of players GEN2x are looking for, they are looking for aspiring players under 16 years old that are interested, passionate and committed to play the sport. What about those over 16? They might have different mentalities at a later age and might not fit well with GEN2X’s. That being said, GEN2X still welcomes any player who is really to adapt and change, in the name of the sport!
Where and when do you normally train?/What is your recruitment policy? (Clarissa)
GEN2X holds open trainings in the East (usually at East Coast Park) once a week, after school and before it turns dark to accommodate to the players who are still schooling. In addition, they would hold trainings 2 times a week before official competitions or tournaments. Trainings usually consist of fundamentals to solidify the foundations of this young team. They also do drills and games as well.
What is your team identity? (Fiona)
GEN2X focuses on creating a close-knitted team, not individuals playing to hone one’s skills. This would normally result in better team chemistry, which could translate into awesome plays and finesse! In addition, GEN2X aims to be like a family, developing strong bonds of friendship off and on the field.
How do you differentiate yourself from the other Ultimate clubs in Singapore? (Leon Ong)
So what makes GEN2X different from the other clubs? For one thing, they are really young players, ranging from 13 to 18 years of age. This normally make them slightly behind their older counterparts in terms of physical and technical prowess. However, GEN2X makes it up with the power of youth and passion!
In addition, they are a self-funded team, relying solely on funds obtained from sponsorships and selling their merchandise. They recently got sponsored by Disc Store which has bestowed upon them a versatile disc bag, many discs and this awesome tactics board!

Credits: GEN2X
What is next for GEN2X? (Fiona)
GEN2X would be competing in the upcoming Teen Games and any other 5-on-5 Ultimate tournaments to get a better placing than ever before. A GEN2X hat is in the works as well, during the weekend of the March/June School holidays. What is more exciting is that the 1st batch of GEN2X players would be approaching 17 to 18 of age in 2 to 3 years’ time. That would be when their bodies mature and given the depth of training, it would be exciting to see these players in action as they compete in competitions in Singapore and around the region!!

GEN2X have come a long way ever since its inception. They rose through the ranks in the recent developmental tournaments, from a humble 13th to 7/8th during the recent Rascals Developmental Tournament. They also consistently maintained top 4 positions in 5-on-5 tournaments on all terrains! They also sent team for the Teen Games and obtained a reputable result, with one team obtaining 2nd position overall.
As I interviewed each and every one of them, I could sense the amount of fun and passion that each of them has. It is also amazing that the players are taking up leadership positions at such a tender age, and doing advanced throws like hucks, outside-in and inside-out throws. Youth is definitely the power and strength here, and I cannot wait to see them in action later, as they will definitely give the senior players a run for their money!
All the best for the GEN2X players! See you all on the fields soon!
Find out more about GEN2X over here at their Facebook page as well!
Stay tuned for even more club interviews coming your way!