Kung Fu Throwing! (Tried and Tested!)
Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players!
Thank you for supporting Ultimate Leh! over the past 6 months! Expect exciting contents and interviews to come brewing your way in the near future!

After following my posts during all this time, it is time to move on to the next phase - how to bring your game to the next level! I would be touching on throwing regimes, more intermediate techniques and practises on Ultimate techniques such as throwing, catching etc! Today I am going talk about one throwing regime that I have tried (and tested!) - Kung Fu Throwing!

The principle of Kung Fu Throwing is similar to Kung Fu Training - Mastery is achieved only through countless and reptitive practising. It also builds discipline as you carry out the workout day regularly.
Kung Fu Throwing (KFT) covers almost all the type of throwing in your Ultimate repertoire - Outside in, Inside out, long distance, low release etc. Through repeatedly throwing the same technique over a good amount of time, it allows the muscles to remember and recognise certain specifc type of movements that is associated with your throws. In addition, the workout is very physically demanding on the throwing side, strengthening your muscles along the way as you do KFT. Check out the full workout over here!
Trying out Kung Fu Throwing!
My friends (Kenneth, JL) and I attempted to do Kung Fu Training before our usual Ultimate training. It turned out to be really tiring and we were only able to complete half to the workout before Ultimate training started and we literally died after that as our arms were exhausted from all the throws.

Hence, we took some time out and did the whole KFT workout. It took about 2-2.5 hours initially as we were turning discs over as fatigue set in. It improved to about 1-2 hours after about 1 month of KFT workout. After 1 - 2 months of KFT workout, our throwing distance and mastery improved a lot and we were able to transit apply the throws easier during scrimmages.
That being said, the KFT workout works on your off-game throws for better transition towards in-game throws. Additional training might be required for in-game scenarios, but that would be a story for next time!
Interested about Kung Fu Throwing? Why not try it out next time?!