Review of "Ultimate Techniques and Tactics" !
Hello Ultimate Frisbee Players!
After a long time, I have finally finished reading the book "Ultimate Techniques & Tactics" !

Hence, today I would like to take this opportunity to tell you more about this book!

- Loads of Content
The book contains a lot of information that an Ultimate player would want to look at to improve his or her game, such as individual skills such as throwing, cutting & conditioning etc and also team skills such as set plays, team structures etc! The chapters are informative and covers most of the questions you might have as an Ultimate player!
- Insightful
Each chapter contains many insights about a certain scenario or situation that an Ultimate player may face in a game of Ultimate. It summarises how one might think during those situations and give some suggestions for each particular situation.
In addition, the book contains many bird eye diagrams that allows the reader to understand all the scenarios mentioned for each chapter! This would allow people to better understand some plays that might baffle them during training.
- A Good Guide
The book offers many suggestions, such as a training regime to be ready for a tournament, or jumping techniques to increase your jumping height and range. The book serves as a good guide to players that might want to improve their games in certain areas but do not know how to!
However, despite it being a good book, there are areas that the book could be improved on
- Intermediate to Advanced Techniques mentioned
The book regards every reader as being competent in ultimate fundamentals and dives straight into the more intermediate techniques. Hence, if you are looking into areas like how to throw a forehand, this book might not be a good place to start.
- Techniques might be outdated/differ from what you have learned
The book contains certain set plays and formations that might be a little bit outdated or different from what you might have been taught, being written in the early 2000s. Hence, it is important to understand the insights that was raised for these scenarios rather than mimicking the things taught word for word.
All in all, I would say it is a really good book for intermediate Ultimate players who want to improve their game. That being said, I would love to lend anyone who is interested in reading this book! Today's post is short as I have something in the works for the blog, so stay tuned!
On a side note, the U23 and NTYP trials are happening THIS SATURDAY at FARRER PARK FIELDS! Do go down to check out the young talents that are going to represent Singapore one day!