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Singapore Ultimate Frisbee Season!

Speaking of Singapore, we are well into the Ultimate Frisbee season in Singapore! I would be going through events planned by the Singapore Flying Disc Foundation (or known as Ultimate Players' Association Singapore). Do take note that due to the increasing popularity of Ultimate Frisbee (YAY!), there are many competitions taking place that do not lie within the Ultimate Frisbee Season, but I would try my best to talk about some of the more notable ones!

Leagues (Summer, Winter/Spring)


There are other leagues in Singapore other than those soccer leagues watched on TV! The Ultimate Frisbee League are held during a few phases during the season:

1) Spring (January to March)

2) Summer (June to August)

3) Winter (October to December)

Teams can expect to play at least 1-2 games on Sundays that would go on for about 8-12 weeks. It is a good platform to get exposure and experience as you could have the opportunity to play with teams of different standards and proficiency! In addition, with the continuous games each week, your level would improve from this rigorous playing!

There isn't a league announced for the year of 2014 but stay tuned as I would be the first to update should there be one!

Gendermah (May period)


Started in 2011, it is a tournament where purely male or female teams (well if your team is strong enough, there were instances of female members playing against male teams) compete to be the best among their gender! Derived from the chinese phrase, 真的吗?GenDerMah offers a unique twist to the usual playing of mixed teams for most of the competitions in Singapore!


Mixed Nationals (July period)

On to the one of the most important tournament in the season! Mixed Natiionals is a seeding tournament that builds up to the highlight of Singapore's Ultimate Frisbee Season - the Singapore Ultimate Opens (SUO)! The positions of the participating teams after the tournament is very important as normally a lot of foreign teams would come to participate in SUO, hence normally the teams in the 12th seeding onwards would be eliminated, so the intensity you would expect from the games would be of a very high level!

Singapore Ultimate Opens (Late August/September Period)


Credits: UPA (S)

The highlight of Singapore's Ultimate Frisbee season! Teams from all over asia particpate in this regional tournament! There are foreign teams to look out for such as Mixed Nuts and Mochi, who was featured for one awesome layout play! The video here!

SUO is the best chance for people to see the level of Ultimate Frisbee players outside Singapore! It is also a good way to close the Ultimate Frisbee season in Singapore as players play to their hardest for the swansong of each Ultimate Frisbee season in Singapore!


Credits: Ultimate Players Association (Singapore)

For this year, SUO 2014 is going to be the first Singapore tournament to be sponored by Under Armour, one of the most famous sports apparel in America!

Notable Tournaments in Singapore

Developmental Tournament (November/December)

This tournament, organised by Team Rascals, offers an opportunity for teams new in Ultimate to develop their Ultimate Frisbee skills, team dynamics and get competitive exposure!

Grab.Huck.Score (October Period)


Organised by Singapore Management University, this tournament is famous for their wacky themes (from Halloween to pool parties - how wackier can it get?) and attractive prizes! (club entry passes and shopping vouchers)

Disc to Dawn


DIsc to Dawn is the first frisbee tournament that is played in night till dawn! It is organised by National University of Singapore and the first of its kind! It is also interesting to see if you can play just as hard in Ultimate Frisbee when you are sleepy and tired, forgoing your sleeping hours for layouts, hucks and scores!


There are also tournaments for the Ultimate Frisbee season of tertiary students as well if you're interested!

Developmental tournament by Rascals - This is a tournament that allows only players with less than 2-3 years of experience to participate for experience and exposure! There is one coming up this January so stay tuned!

Inter - JC (played between junior colleges, or high school equivalent (a coverage on a recently held inter - JC! :

POL-ITE (held around November)

Inter-Varsity Playoffs (organised by Nanyang Polytechnic and played by tertiary institutions all over Singapore!) (held around March/April)

SuNiG (Singapore University Games) (Held around August/September)

That's all I can recall and remember about! Do tell me about other tournaments that I might have left out!

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