The World Cup! (Ultimate Frisbee)
Before I go on about the basics of Ultimate Frisbee, let me talk about the World Cup First!

No, not the one where Germany won 1-0 over Argentina to claim the coveted cup in Brazil. What I am talking about is the Worlds Ultimate for Ultimate Frisbee!

Yes! This time the world cup of Ultimate is going to be held in Lecco, Italy! Held every 2 years (the previous one in Sakai, Japan), it is the competition where teams from all over the world compete to find out who would be the champions of the world in their respective categories in Ultimate Frisbee!
Here is a video of one of the contenders for the Open Category - Buzz Bullets!
This time round, Singapore has sent three teams, YES threee teams, to Lecco to compete in this year's Worlds Utimate! They are Shiok! Singapore (Mixed Category), Crackerjacks (Open Category) and Sin City (Women Category). A big shoutout to them and all the best for their games ahead, especially Crackerjacks Ultimate, as they would face Buzz Bullets in their pool play! (apologies to Sin City, couldn't find your logo!)