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So.. what is Ultimate Frisbee?

So.. What is Ultimate Frisbee? If I mentioned Ultimate Frisbee to the general populace a few years ago.. they would probably relate it to the following:


However, Ultimate Frisbee has become a very popular sport, slowly gaining momentum in Singapore. Unlike what was previously mentioned, Ultimate Frisbee combines various elements of soccer, american football, basketball into 1 single high-intensity, very tactical and adrenaline-inducing sport. All this can be summed up by this video below, highlighting the brave adventures of players in Ultimate Frisbee.

BIG DISCLAIMER!: What you see are just highlights and does not occur all the time throughout the game (hence the tactics part). It is a game where anyone with various levels of ability can try out and make friends in the process as well.

Excited to try Ulitmate Frisbee out after watching this awesome video? Stay tuned as I share with you all more about the basic gameplay and techniques involved in Ultimate Frisbee!

Singapore Ultimate Player

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